New York City Uses Technology To Identify Noisy Cars

New York City Uses Technology To Identify Noisy Cars – Humans are on the verge of transcending their relationship with the world around them. This emergence, though, is not due to philosophical revelations or spiritual enlightenment. Instead, it’s being driven by technological advances that create a new and richer reality, expanding our perceptions and introducing new sensory and computational skills to our physiology.

Without technological augmentation, we live in a world where we only experience a small part of the wider reality. Consider vision and smell, for example. These two senses reflect just small subsets of the vast reality in which we live.

New York City Uses Technology To Identify Noisy Cars

We see just a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This vast energy field—from X-rays to radio waves—engulfs our reality, yet we are only passive participants in this other visual world. And our sense of smell, fine-tuned for our individual needs, is certainly constrained by our biology. From mystics to physicists, the notion that we live in an illusion appears to be true.

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So, then, what is the role of technology in augmenting and enhancing our human experience? Can technology facilitate a “new normal” for our broader perception of reality?

The truth is that technology is already reshaping our reality, although in subtle ways that most people don’t realize. The examples are numerous. Prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, or laser eye surgery can give us better than 20/20 vision. Hearing aids and cochlear implants now offer programmable features to allow users to modify their soundscapes and create unique aural experiences. Prosthetics now compete with limbs, in both form and function. And genomics can help rewrite our DNA source code with techniques like CRISPR.

Cognition also rests at the forefront of human enhancement. From neural implants to nootropics (drugs that can increase brain function), we are at the precipice of advances that will fundamentally expand our ability to process information and comprehend both simple and abstract ideas.

This all leads me to feel a bit sorry for our human self as it exists today, and even to question the notion that the human construct is definitive. Our human form and functionality is certainly not!

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Technology allows us to expand the richness of life to experience more—more sights, sounds, thoughts, and perhaps other senses that we haven’t even discovered. These experiences challenge the fundamental aspects of our being. They allow us—no, demand us—to charge forth, as in the 19th century doctrine of manifest destiny. Only this time, the unchartered territory to conquer is humanity itself. You might be surprised to hear that accountancy and bookkeeping are well ahead of many other industries in terms of technology adoption. So, as a pioneer of the digital age (yes, you), you’re among the first to experience the benefits – and the barriers – of things like automation. One of the biggest concerns, of course, is technology replacing the personal touch.

James Byrne, ‘s CEO, is a big fan of both tech and humans. He is a former accountant and now heads up a software company, so he has insight from both worlds.

In his late teens, James joined his father’s accounting firm. Once he’d taken on a number of his own clients, James became increasingly frustrated with inefficiencies across the business.

Being accountants, we’re always thinking about increasing billable time and reducing non-billable time. That’s why I built.”

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“I didn’t have time to do much beyond onboarding, invoicing or dealing with admin. I wanted to expand the firm, have more billable hours and actually talk to clients. And, if at all possible, see my young children too!”

James recruited the help of a developer, Alex Hawke. “Alex actually sat inside the practice with me. As problems arise, he’d build a solution. It’s probably why we’ve had the success that we’ve had because AM very much works in the way that an accountant would expect it to.”

From creating to replacing conversations, James is all for having a chat with clients – especially if jargon is left at the door. AM simply removes the functional parts of your relationship, so you can spend more time advising or getting to know your clients better.

“The accountant/client relationship is very different now compared to say, the 60s. Gone are the days when clients would put a suit on to go and see their accountant and we no longer impress clients with our broad understanding of the English language.”

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“Rather, we adopt a less formal, more conversational type of communication that clients feel comfortable with. I still get calls from old clients asking me to explain something, so that built some really solid relationships.”

To maximize this ‘quality time with your clients, James recommends minimizing your more functional, repetitive interactions – such as asking your clients for their records. He and Alex designed AM to automatically send these record requests and reminders, controlled by your clients Companies House accounting dates.

“Being able to do some of the repetitive jobs automatically also means your clients are going to get a better service. We constantly hear how grateful people are to get regular reminders.”

“Sometimes people adopt AM, then don’t turn on the automation. There’s fear around, ‘How’s that going to look to our clients? That we don’t care about them? But you can customize those emails and texts in hundreds of different ways – not just the name – and make them personable in the way you write them. You can also pause any emails before they go out and check them over until you’re happy to relinquish that control.”

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“Tax payment reminders are a massive one,” remembers James. “The amount of times we’d tell clients what the tax was and when it needed to be paid, then six months later they’d miss their tax payment and get a penalty. And you’re like, ‘well, I told you six months ago’. Trying to get that across to the client is really tricky. That’s why we introduced the tax payment reminders, where the email goes out a few days before. Improving client relationships by using technology is what this is all about.”

This comes back to the informality James mentioned earlier and exemplifies accountants as digital pioneers – facing and embracing change. “Five years ago, maybe ten, we would NOT have been texting our clients! But people will always buy from people and things like texting just present you on a more human level. We introduced SMS to have that less formal means of communication. We look at our phones a ridiculous number of times a day, so you’re going to get faster responses and clients will feel more connected with you.”

You didn’t go into accountancy to be the gatekeeper to all your clients’ stuff – any more than chasing them for records.

“That was another time waster for me,” says James. “Clients calling and asking ‘What’s my UTR number? When’s this due, when’s that due?’ is all about solving those real-life problems. Now clients can just log into their portal and they can see all of their documents, details and deadlines in one place. It’s GDPR-compliant, has an e-signing facility and there’s the option to rebrand it too.”

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That time adds up so quickly, if you’ve got 100 clients, it’s a lot of time. But if you’ve got 1000 clients, it’s incredible how much time you’re saving.”

The quality time vs functional time concept applies to your team’s filing systems and communication methods too. Minimize the time they spend on functional actions, like finding documents and keeping track of conversations in different places, so they can spend quality time with clients – or collaborating with colleagues in more productive ways.

“It’s all about having a consistent process of saving documents in one place. I cannot tell you the nightmares we had over this at the firm. The way we did it with is to have a document storage file on every client name. You can break it down into different folders and either share those folders with the client – ​​via their portal – or keep them private to your practice. So it’s like an internal filing system for your practice.”

When you pick up the phone to call a client, there’s always that flash of ‘I hope someone else at the firm hasn’t already called or emailed them about this, it wouldn’t look very professional.’

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“In AM, you’ve got an audit trail of communication, be it incoming or outgoing emails, texts or calls. That’s really helpful – whenever anyone at the practice is communicating with your clients, it’s all going into one place. And it starts being helpful right when someone is a prospective client, you can make sure you’re staying in contact and keeping the lead warm.”

The Client Timeline timestamps all interactions between you and your clients, records when an email is opened and captures anything the client adds, changes or signs in their portal.

“I remember the days when I used to walk around the office with Post-it notes because I didn’t like to clog up the inbox by forwarding emails to everybody all the time,” reminisces James. “With AM, everyone knows when they’re doing because of the task list, emails are

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